Game engine resource compiler architecture.

Jan 12, 2019 - 5 minutes
Planning the architecture for my first game engine resource compiler The ugly model loader If you are not interested in how I ended up with a crappy model loader, jump to the resource compiler section. Since I started working with OpenGL, almost five years ago, I wrote a super simple and ugly model obj loader. The main issue was that tinyobj loader would give me back multiple index buffers, one per geometry attribute. Read more ...

Hair expansion in Vertex Shader

Nov 5, 2018 - 8 minutes
How would you go and expand your hair segment into polygons you can shade? Geometry Shader? Vertex Shader? Introduction The other day I was talking with a friend who was trying to make grass shader, he was going about it by using a geometry shader. Although a geometry shader is a really appealing solution, it might not be the fastest one. Why not geometry shader? Warning, what I am about to say is mostly what I gathered from the industry, my experience with geometry shader is near to not existent, the only geometry shader I ever implemented was the Nvidia solid wireframe shader . Read more ...

De-gamma your texture kid!

Nov 1, 2018 - 4 minutes
You just applied gamma correction to your real-time application and everything looks too bright? De-gamma yout textures! To wet your appetite, here it is a wrongly doubly gamma corrected picture. Introduction I have been working on my dx11 toy engine for a while now, and I got to the point where I wanted to try to implement PBR. By following the learn-opengl tutorial, they mentioned that I was going to need to handle HDR, I went and upgraded my deferred renderer to support it, and added a post processing pass to do tone mapping, and since I never did it, gamma correction. Read more ...